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domingo, 4 de janeiro de 2015

5 a Seco - Pra Você Dar o Nome (English Translation)

*That was my best at trying to translate "saudade", a word that doesn't exist in english. It is the name of the feeling you get when you're missing somebody.
//The syllabic separation was made by Photoshop, and I'm pretty sure it isn't grammatically accurate, sorry.

Pitty - Na Sua Estante (English Translation)

//When she says "tudo vai se encaixar", the literal meaning of the sentence is "everything will fit". But it actually means everything will become clear, understandable.

Legião Urbana - Ainda É Cedo (English Translation)

Cazuza - Ideologia (English Translation)

So, complicated translation this time.
Also with a political tone <3 This song is still very accurate in Brazil's political situation. The sad part is that this song was released in the 80's and nothing has changed. Anyways.
*This makes way more sense in portuguese: partido means political party, but also means broken, parted. So it's clear that Cazuza wasn't happy with the situation of brazilian political scenario at the time.
** People think he was mentioning a nightclub from São Paulo. (source) The people who attended this club were the same who he had rebelled against some years before, and he is admitting he had lost his ideology.
*** Cazuza had AIDS.

Skank - Te Ver (English Translation)

Kid Abelha - Educação Sentimental II (English Translation)

Cássia Eller - Malandragem (English Translation)